Snooper"s Video Collection

Thursday, March 27, 2008

War Declared on Berzerkeley


Screw these Code Pepto Dismal anti-Americanist wackos!


Melanie Morgan leads the charge of the newly declared war on these idiots. We brought our readers the story here as the story broke and the dog-piling has begun.
It's war between Code Pink protesters and the pro-troops organization, Move America Forward, after the Berkeley city council declared the Marine Corps to be "unwelcome intruders". [...]
Michelle Malkin brings us word on Senator Jim DeMint and the American Legion...
DeMint to Berkeley: Support Our Marines or Lose Federal Funds

Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) released the following statement in response to the decision by the City Council of Berkeley, California to evict the U.S. Marine Corps Recruiting Station from the city.

"This is a slap in the face to all brave service men and women and their families. The First Amendment gives the City of Berkeley the right to be idiotic, but from now on they should do it with their own money. If the city can't show respect for the Marines that have fought, bled and died for their freedom, Berkeley should not be receiving special taxpayer funded handouts. I am currently drafting legislation to ensure that American taxpayers aren't forced to pay for this insult by rescinding all of the earmarks for Berkeley in the Omnibus Appropriations bill, and to transfer the funds to the Marine Corps."
That's what I'm talking about right there! And now, some words from the American Legion:
"Osama bin Laden couldn't have said it better," American Legion National Commander Marty Conatser said of the Berkeley City Council Resolution, which tells the Marines that they are not welcome there. "Disgraceful, disloyal, ungrateful. These words are too kind in describing the actions of the public officials in Berkeley, who voted for this disgrace. Nonetheless, our Marines continue to bravely serve and in so doing, allow Americans to spout such foolishness. The American Legion not only strongly condemns this action by the City Council but also believes that a sincere apology is in order to all Marines, past and present."

Conatser, the leader of the nation's largest veterans organization, was referring to a measure passed by the Council 8-1 Tuesday, that tells the U.S. Marine Corps that one of its recruiting stations is "not welcome in the city, and if recruiters choose to stay, they do as uninvited and unwelcome intruders."

The City Council marched in complete lock-step with radical anti-war group Code Pink in attempting to drive out Marine recruiters from its San Francisco suburb. The City Council also voted 8-1 to give Code Pink a free parking space in front of a recruiting station, along with a free sound permit for protesting once a week. Marine recruiters at Berkeley have faced harassment from protestors who regularly block nearby sidewalks, generate excessive noise and disrupt business.

"I have been a recruiter in the National Guard and I know that it's tough duty, with long hours," Conatser said. "What these recruiters do is essential to our national security. Without recruiters we have no military. And I don't think we can count on the flower children from Berkeley to protect this nation when it comes under attack. They have to remember that Marines are not the enemy; the terrorists are."
Screw them all.

Matt Sanchez states; Berkeley Secedes from the Union--Declares Marines the Enemy
[...] Still no word as to why the Marine Corps, of all services, has been singled out, but it's nice to know the people of Berkeley would consider Marines a bigger threat. [...]
One would think that if the military is so bad and so evil, it wouldn't be a very good idea to piss us off like this. Ya know?

Join the dog pile...

Contact information for the Berkeley City Council
2180 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704
Tel: (510) 981-6900, TDD: (510) 981-6903
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., E-mail:

Go for it! If you don't, you don't have a hair on your ass!

New York Slimes weighs in:
BERKELEY, Calif. - While the City Council here has little - read, no - sway over foreign policy and distant wars, local parking is a different matter. And so it was that a parking space directly in front of the recruiting station here for the Marine Corps was awarded on Tuesday night to an antiwar group in the hope of running the Marines out of town. [...]