Tuesday, February 13, 2007 General Petraeus’ Opening Letter To The Coaltion Forces
“…The enemies of Iraq will shrink at no act, however barbaric. They will do all that they can to shake the confidence of the people and to convince the world that this effort is doomed. We must not underestimate them…”
That statement includes our homegrown terrorist sympathizers within our political parties, by the way.
“…Together with our Iraqi partners, we must defeat those who oppose the new Iraq…”
Bingo. I hope the democrats are listening. Perhaps they are. That is why they are so angry.
“…We and our Iraqi partners must set the terms of the struggle, not our enemies…’
Hello? Libs? Why are the libs trying to doom the Iraqis and the war on terror to a dismal failure?
“…I am confident that each of you will fight with skill and courage, and that you will remain loyal to your comrades-in-arms and to the values our nations hold so dear…”
He wasn’t speaking to the libs, naturally.
“…Success will require discipline, fortitude, and initiative - qualities that you have in abundance…”
Again, he was not speaking to the libs here. They are a backwards thinking lot.
“…I pledge my commitment to our mission and every effort to achieve success as we help the Iraqis chart a course to a brighter future…”
Bravo. Too bad the Congress unanimously voted to place him in this position and then seek to undermine the mission. What a bunch of sadistic morons.
Thoughts? Concerns? Comments?
Labels: Leftinistra, Petraeus