Snooper"s Video Collection

Friday, December 28, 2007

A Soldier's Letter


This is a letter from a Soldier in Iraq. This guy gets it and unlike some liberals that seem to think our military is made up of stupid people with guns, this guy is an example of just how intelligent our members of the greatest military force known to man is. He’s got guts. He’s got intelligence. He has heart. And he is NOT alone.

The MSM puppets of the DNC will not report on such men and women. Why not? I would venture a guess that a lot more than half of our fellow Americans understand what is at stake in thie GWOT. The liberals say just the opposite. Why is that? Is it because they are comprised of the Pacifistic Coward Syndrome? They yammer aloud about how they want peace and don’t want to fight yet their support groups will deface private and government property and will commit violent acts to get their way. Double standards…isn’t that what it is called?

Here are excerpts of the letter but first, I will post the “preamble”. The entire letter can be found right here

A Georgia redneck, a Florida redneck and a Texan were sitting around a small catfish pond and noticed some catfish. They felt it would be a good idea to have a fish fry, but they didn’t have a fishing pole or net. They started to ponder techniques to catch some fish for the fish fry, when the Georgia boy dove in the water and tried to catch one. He dove in, splashed around and after 5 minutes of no luck he got out, frustrated and sat back down. The Florida boy then got up, went to his truck and got a shotgun. He began shooting at the catfish. He expended over 30 rounds and he too was unsuccessful. Frustrated, he sat back down. The Texas boy sat for a bit, finished his beer, and cut the top of the beer can off with his pocket knife. Then he calmly stood up and walked over to the small pond and dipped his empty beer can in the water and filled it up. Then he walked to the top of the dam and poured the water on the ground on the back side of the dam. He walked back to the pond and got another can full of water and as he walked by the 2 other rednecks, he stated with a drawl, “You boys better git comfortable, this may take awhile.”
“This story relates to this war on terror. We may not realize many tangible results from this war, especially not if we have a timeline based on a news cycle or an election. But it’s worth every can full of water every day we fight over here. I am resolved to fight these bastards for however long it takes, every day until my retirement.”

The above paragraph is the definition of resolve, just in case you missed it.

“Most Americans say, “I support the troops.” “Supporting the troops” is far more than sending a care package, or shaking a service member’s hand, or tying a ribbon on their lapel. Supporting the troops should also be backing our mission.

People back home may not realize how effective this enemy is using the media as a weapon. Every time some talking head gets on the TV and shouts anything negative about this war, it motivates our enemy, who interprets dissent as weakness and who uses our free press against us. That is exactly how “the terrorists” win. For the Terrorist does not have to defeat us, he just has to outlast us.

I am disappointed in the way the American people in general seem to have lost their resolve since 9-11. When I hear that over half of America’s citizens believe this war is a lost cause, I think that is a tragedy. Less than 2/100ths of 1 percent of our own citizens have ever served in the armed forces, which means most Americans don’t have a clue about our military.”

Terrorists don’t have to defeat us just outlast us…our CONgress critters are allowing the enemy to defeat us. Isn’t that wonderful?

“The American Armed Forces has an empty beer can and the war in Iraq is like that small catfish pond. If the American people will be patient and supportive, we’ll have that fish fry. Just my thoughts.”

Go to Michael Yon’s web site and read the rest of the article. If it doesn’t get you fired up and want to kick butt in DC, YOU are the lost cause. Not the GWOT.

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