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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The American Troop Surge and Political Tomfoolery

Posted Feb 17, 2008 by mlh in Politics | 22 comments | 187 views

In recent weeks, we have seen the political front in Iraq make great progress directly related to the success of the Troop Surge. Much to the chagrin of our political hacks and cretins, the political successes in Iraqi are now sailing full speed ahead.
This Op-Ed will serve as a collection of links exposing the nay sayers for what they really and truly are. Unlike the Leftinistra and the domestic enemy camps, I don't cherry pick. The enemy seem to pick and choose vague elements and pretend they know what they are talking about. Naturally and without fail, are the usual suspects for Doom and Gloom decrying the fall of the terrorists in Iraq.

The entire and complete Iraq Strategy Review, in pdf format, can be seen, read, saved as a file and printed here. The background briefing can be found here and is an interesting read. The Focus on Iraq can be seen here.

What the anti-Americanists "forget" to notice is that the document they like to quote so much from has much more than they care to admit to. They also count on their readers to be too sheepish to check for themselves.

Fact Sheet: The New Way Forward in Iraq (printable version here)
The President's New Iraq Strategy Is Rooted In Six Fundamental Elements:

1. Let the Iraqis lead;
2. Help Iraqis protect the population;
3. Isolate extremists;
4. Create space for political progress;
5. Diversify political and economic efforts; and
6. Situate the strategy in a regional approach.

* Iraq Could Not Be Graver - The War On Terror Cannot Be Won If We Fail In Iraq. Our enemies throughout the Middle East are trying to defeat us in Iraq. If we step back now, the problems in Iraq will become more lethal, and make our troops fight an uglier battle than we are seeing today.
The above is that which they harp upon and the rest of the document is like it doesn't exist. Naturally, the misguided have problems keeping their thoughts in order because, apparently, the Benchmark Assessment Report is 28 pages in length and judging from the quality of their objections, their attention span doesn't allow for lengthy reads which require study. Apparently, even the "quick review" of the document is too much reading material as well.

At any rate, the mad-left hate the fact that they lost their own pathetic surgette and General Petraeus has pretty much won the war but, he does say that with caution because that place called Iraq could self-ignite at a moments' notice.

Alex Knapp of OTB has a sarcastic piece up that more than likely drove Matthew Yglesias a little more weird than he already is. What I find "Rather" curious is that the Iraq War is no longer an issue with our politicians except to quit now that we are winning. Kind of strange that is. However, it is said that Murtha will be introducing legislation to bring the troops home even though that is already in the works.

The rare instances the Iraq War is an issue is when the Leftinistra are actually asked questions in debates and then they are totally without substance in their answers because they haven't a clue as to what they are addressing. The worse one is Obama. He is evidently out of touch with not only himself but the world as a whole. Remember, he has often stated that he will attack Pakistan.

Another curiosity is this; if the Leftinistra wish to be taken seriously about anything ever again, one would think they would come clean and openly admit that they were on the wrong side of the issue strictly for political gain in 2006. In essence, they lied to the American People. However, if they were to admit to that, ethically, they would have to resign their posts in shame. I don't think that is likely to happen.

In a more recent "development" to give the appearance of being "main stream", the NY Times granted a small tid-bit of Good News ooze from their pores of journalistic malpractice and, it just had to hurt. The pathetic headline is all that is required: Making (Some) Progress in Iraq. Some? The political arena so very important to the American politicians that feel it necessary to "investigate" baseball, dare to infer that there is only "some" progress? Please. Our current sitting Congress is an international embarrassment.

If only our own politicos were able to take some pointers from the Iraqi politicos, perhaps their blind hatred of GWB could be abated but, not likely. I wonder how our elitist politicians would react if they had to worry about bombs under their seats as they conducted the nation's business every day. I wonder how they would respond as their fellow prattlers of empty rhetoric were kidnapped and beheaded because they would not return to the "way it used to be". I wonder how they would cry out to the world if they were literally under the gun.

Our DC "occupiers" are nothing but shallow egos and empty shells of Patriotism...they disgust me. We have serious business at hand and they concern themselves about baseball? If that isn't an over-step of their constitutional authority, I don't know what is.

As Nancy Pelosi, the would-be SecState opines about how "bad" things are in Baghdad, I cannot help but remember her clear violation of the Logan Act nearly a year ago. Our dear SoH, Madame Pelosi, contrary to popular belief is still a member of the Axis of Defeat and I do indeed question her Patriotism. Who is she to criticize anything?

From Bull Dog Pundit: (in reference to the Hizbollah Security Chief's departure from Earth)
I do hope you get the sarcasm in the title, because I'm talking about her trip to Syria, which we wrote about last year. As you may recall, "Damascus Nancy" made that trip to prove a point to President Bush about the need to "talk" to our enemies, in this case Bashir Assad. Not only did she falsely say that Israel was willing to "negotiate peace", she also made this statement.

We came in friendship, hope, and determined that the road to Damascus is a road to peace.

Yeah, because we all knew how much Syria was interested in peace. Well, yesterday gave us a stark reminder as to just how interested the Syrians are in "peace". [...]
If Iraq and Afghanistan has revealed anything at all, it is this...there is no negotiating with terrorists. They will not hear of it.

Iraq is moving towards and accomplishing an end goal of Provincial Elections and our Congress is investigating baseball.
Iraq's parliament on Wednesday passed three key pieces of legislation that set a date for provincial elections, allot $48 billion for 2008 spending, and provide limited amnesty to detainees in Iraqi custody... [...]
What has our Congress accomplished since the end of 2006? Anything at all? Perhaps we should withdraw from DC? It is an apparent quagmire what with the lack of political progress and all. What has the Iraqi "congress" accomplished since the end of 2006? The Iraqi "congress" is light years ahead of our own self-vaunted and self-proclaimed examples of legislative jurisprudence...
Last Sunday, CNN's Wolf Blitzer asked Nancy Pelosi about the success of the "surge" in Iraq.

"Are you not worried, though, that all the gains that have been achieved over the past year might be lost?" Blitzer asked.

"There haven't been gains, Wolf," Pelosi replied. "The gains have not produced the desired effect, which is the reconciliation of Iraq. This is a failure. This is a failure."

Yet today, out of Iraq, comes news that three significant laws were passed by the Iraqi parliament.
Pelosi is a typical Party Hack on top of being a pompous ninny. Clueless is her new name.

Nancy Pelosi Claims the Surge is a Failure, al Qaeda Disagrees, is a must read here as is Updated...US Seized Al-Qaeda Documents Tells of Crisis. There are many more on this issue of the successes of the Troop Surge, America's Troop Surge and the victories achieved...American victories that are ignored by those with the political agenda of Ignore And Defeatism and they can all be accessed here.

Seeing that there are so many of the Leftinistra, the vast majority of which worship the United Nations organization, perhaps they should be paying more attention to what the UN has to say on the issue of the successes in Iraq.

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