Snooper"s Video Collection

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Gitmo News

March 14, 2007: Guantanamo, Newsweek and the Ghost of Daniel Pearl

I suppose the Leftinistra will just shrug all of this off as an inconsequential turn of events. After all, the murderer didn’t have the United States Constitutional Rights applied to him and those “stupid people with guns” did all of the questioning.

HA! Have you seen pictures of this murderer? Does he look like he is suffering of malnutrition? Morons.

The Leftinistra are packed FULL of Double Standards…on the one hand, they claim that America sticks its nose ini everybody’s business. On the other hand, they say that the United States Constitution applies to everyone in the world.

I have a copy of the United States Constitution and in the text(s) thereof, it states clear as day v night that the United States Constitution applies to United States CITIZENS ONLY!!! What’s up with the Leftinistra?? LOL!!

From Roger Simon…

“Oh, Guantanamo - how it has been the rallying cry of self-described “progressives” and nabobs of the human rights movement who consider US troops the equivalent of tribesmen giving clitorectomies in the Somali desert. I wonder what they think when they read oday’s report of the many confessions of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at a Guantanamo Naval Base hearing…”

“…As for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, what punishment could there be for the likes of him? Even if I were in favor of the death penalty, which frequent readers of this site know I am not, it would not be sufficient. Perhaps this: life imprisonment in a tiny cell surrounded by Buddhist imagery with Buddhist sutras piped in twenty-four hours a day. No visitors. No Koran at all. After a few years, he might begin to forget Islam and its teachings. He would not know what jihad is. He would hear only Buddhist bells…”

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