Snooper"s Video Collection

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

War News

Something else the Leftinistra cannot afford to be made known. Our troops are FANTASTIC!! Check this story out…

Kudos to PJM and Iraq the Model…GO EAGLES!


“…I went to the living room where my father was having a heated political debate with a friend and told them the house was likely to be searched. The two men stopped talking, looked at me carelessly for a second and then resumed their loud debate.I went back to tend the fish we were preparing for our Masgoof dinner and then heard the front door open and a flashlight beamed into the driveway. I walked to meet the night visitors; 6 or 7 American soldiers and an Iraqi translator wearing a black ski mask walked in…”


A Comment from the other blog:

of course our troops are awesome! They’re born and bred american and the anti-flag liberals are blind to it all! Check out Christopher Ruddy

Comment by shelbspeaks | May 29, 2007