Snooper"s Video Collection

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hollyweird Moonbats

Useful Idiots: Back in style!

In addition to last week’s anti-American marches marking the fourth year of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a gaggle of Hollywonk Glitterati have proven, once again, that idiocy has no limits.

I am referring, of course, to the loudest of the “useful idiots”, AKA Sean Penn, Rosie O’Donnell and Charlie Sheen.

While the motives of this trio of limousine-lib national-security experts comport with those of certain Demo-gogue traitors on Capitol Hill, their rants are even more incoherent than those of Barbra Streisand, Ted Turner and Hanoi Jane Fonda.

(uselful idiots)…just like the moonbats in training that live at the RNC blog…LOL!!!

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